Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 63 - Quickie catch up post

Didn't post yesterday, but it was fairly uneventful... aside from the normal waiting for Patrick's email videos with baited egg breath, the skips weren't actually all that bad. Weirdly 5 minutes doesn't seem like much more than 4 minutes and the psychology of doing less sets doesn't hurt either I'm sure. Still tripping, but not as often as before. Can make it through the majority of the first two sets with just one or two trips, but the last set I think I start to lag a bit. Sometimes its an energy thing, but I also think its that my form starts to deform and that messes me up. Oh, and my new workout area is the garage... with the garage door open so I can see the neighborhood wander by with their dogs and the carpenter across the street must be wondering who that kook is in the garage jumping rope.

Took pics too... decided to start flexing a bit in them to make them a bit more bold and to accentuate the progress. Still chicken chested as all hell so, using my keen tunnel vision, the light that I see at the end of the tunnel involves chest workouts. Yeah yeah... after a month "off". We'll see...

By the way, Kim is looking phenomenal! Her legs and hips have trimmed up amazingly along with quite a lot of toning overall... two size changes (US measurements), phew! Definitely check out her pics, she's looking quite sessy!

1 comment:

  1. Photos - hello triceps!! Looking great dude.

    BTW not sure what you mean about chicken chested - take off those goggles and be objective.
