Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 87 - A weight has been lifted. 45 lbs (20.4 kg) to be exact...

Getting back onto a better schedule as I am over a considerable workload hump so I think that has helped all around. Sometimes I am running just a shade behind on the snacks though...

I weighed myself first thing in the morning and saw a shocking 185 lbs looking back at me... that's 45 lbs (20.4 kg) from my 230 lbs starting point. I'm gaining back about 8-10 lbs as the day wears on, but still, I'll take it! So, while it make have taken a while to get rolling, a 1 lb loss for every two days over the course of PCP (assuming I don't put on 10 lbs of muscle in the remaining days, not that I would mind if it all showed up in my chest and abs) is at the rough mental target I had set. 

I don't know how people are measuring their body fat, but I can actually look at my arms and see the slight rise in veins over my biceps. Love it!

Am curious to know what the role the super sets are playing in the grand scheme... Lean muscle production, I presume, given the high reps and rapidity of the exercises. But that's just a guess.

Got more sleep last night and I think it helped... 

  1. Jumprope: Little bit better... I slowed down my pace, so between that and getting some proper sleep, I think those may have helped.
  2. Creep: Did these the "advanced" style all the way through!
  3. Floorjump: Oddly not too bad after the creeps. I was dreading them, but it was honestly not nearly as bad as expected.
  4. DaVinci: Freakin' brutal as always
  5. Forward Shoulder Raise: ditto
  6. Chicken Wing: I don't find these nearly as hard as the latter two shoulder exercises. Still difficult, but doable.
  7. Shoulder Fly: These are great. There is definitely a burn point for each of the last two sets around 18 and its a real struggle to get to 25.
  8. V-Sits: Can do a fair number of these before failure for the first set... subsequent sets take a nosedive.
  9. Side Crunches: So I don't really feel these much anymore, which is not immodesty speaking, but more like an excuse for stopping at 50 because it doesn't burn so there doesn't appear to be a failure point. Which is weird.


  1. 45lbs!! That is incredible. Well done.

    I thought it odd too that the floor jumps were not as difficult after the creeps. Super sets are really mixing it up. Have you looked at day 89 yet?

  2. Ha! You might be psychic... Kim was literally just reading off the day 89 workout to me when your comment appeared!

    Thanks on the kudos!
