Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 79 - one of THOSE days...

Phew... what a tough day. And really it had less to do with the workouts than work which was neverending. Still jumped in the morning but I didn't end up working out until past 9. The whole day was in slo-mo and I didn't end up going to bed until 2am as I wrapped up a couple of huge projects.


  1. Jumprope: Shitty.
  2. Chest Dips: I never feel like I am going deep enough in these. Still, could feel them ever so slightly in the top corners of my chest near the connection to the shoulder.
  3. Elevated Pushups: So I was evidently out of town for that hike when there was a Pro-Tip to do these from an elevation around knee height. But Kim let me know... phew, really hard, but I really liked them! Odd to say, but I felt more like I was accomplishing something.
  4. Standing Ovations: Weirdly I felt these in my shoulder way more than usual, even concentrating on squeezing my boobs at the end of the movement... no danger of explosive decompression like some folks though.
  5. Thumbs Up Curls: Difficult as always, but doable with nice clean form. And I could see veins bulging out for the first time in a long time!
  6. Show-Offs: Of all the exercises that show my right arm bias, this one has got to be up there. Far easier on my right than left, and also less accurate on the left side. Still, brutal following all the curls.
  7. Leg-ups: Amazingly doable... super subtly feeling these in the latter sets in my lower abs. So hard to target those.
  8. Plank: Ditto, as massively difficult as these get by the last one, and considering how horrific they were at the beginning

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