Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 90 - Yes!

From 230 lbs (104.3 kg) to 185 lbs (83.9 kg) for a 45 lbs (20.4 kg) loss in 3 months. Beyond that, strength and flexibility that I haven't had in ages, not to mention a physical aesthetic that has me spending far too much time staring at myself.

I could hardly be more thrilled with my results over the past three months. Forget the freakin' numbers, the tale of the tape is the real story here:
Day 1 Front

Day 1 Side - Looks like a smirk, as if to say... this seems silly

Day 1 Back

Day 90 Back 
Day 90 Front

Day 90 Arms - I fuckin love this shot... might have to make a poster out of it or get Patrick to swap out my goal photo of Hugh Jackman.

Day 90 - Uhhhhhhh, simian pose?

Its always funny how no one is ever smiling in the Day 1 photos. It definitely wasn't deliberate... maybe its a subconscious thing like your body is just projecting how unhappy it is.

Altering or Shopping, that is the question... and these are just the pants


I can honestly say that I never cheated when it wasn't out of necessity due to circumstance. And then, just barely. No salt, ever. No sugar, ever. I didn't even touch olive oil even though it was allowed in moderation. I was laser focused on burning up as much fat as possible over the course of the project. I knew I had a load to lose, but had never been particularly motivated to do so since I wore my weight fairly evenly around my body. It wasn't all on my belly or all in my face. It was everywhere so it never really looked particularly like I was massively overweight. And let's face it, living in the US, comparing yourself to the masses (and I do mean that, in every sense) doesn't exactly set the bar very high. Of course, the latest before and after pics beg to differ, but my perspective at the time was, well, I'm not that overweight, and when I have clothes on no one can really tell, so what's my impetus to lose weight?

But the reality was that I was doing a massive disservice to myself having to lug all that weight around. 45 freakin' pounds. That's really hard to imagine. Not to mention that I'm fortunate enough to live in a part of the country where you are really missing out if you don't spend part of your life outdoors. Being overweight and generally lacking energy meant that I wasn't ever taking advantage.

Massively arduous at times, and I never felt like I ever mastered the skips, but on balance I have so much more to be proud of physically, let alone the knowledge to build on as a basis for continued health and strength. The next challenge will be in remaining true to what we've learned, not letting myself relax back into old patterns of food and inactivity, and generally making PCP a part of my life and not just a blip on the screen.

So, huge thanks to everyone involved, and what sort of blog post from me would it be without a list of some sort?

  1. All the Pucksters (and honorary Pucksters Tracy, Conny, and Kevin): I feel like we really lucked out, or Patrick performed some sort of black magic to get us all together. We totally gelled as a group, through literal thick and thin. Everyone made an effort to stay involved, stay in touch, provide encouragement, respond to blog posts, post pictures in a timely fashion, and provide commentary and entertainment throughout the process. I admit I had no idea just how much I would look forward to the social aspect and you guys never disappointed. Just wish we could be there for the big HK reunion to witness the actual clash of the PCP titans! Anyway, thank you guys so much! It definitely wouldn't have been the same doing this in a vacuum...
  2. The largely unsung hero Chen: what can I say, never a peep, but given the 80% diet/20% exercise formula, Chen may have had the largest physical impact on us of all. 
  3. Patrick for putting it all together, providing constant and timely feedback and having the unenviable task of herding all the cats, and teasing more out of us than we know we are capable of. How you manage the workload is beyond me!
  4. My brother, PCP alum and musclebound showboat Alexander. What can I say, he set the bar by doing what we all thought sounded a bit crazy at first but absolutely rocked it and had just crazy results. Thanks to him for getting us into PCP and providing that first tangible taste of what was possible.
  5. And of course Kim! Through all the veggie farts during the aptly named "push-through" portions of 8MA, motivating me out of bed, providing feedback on my skipping, genuinely delighting in the little food experiments, and putting up with my likely overbearing militant attitude to the whole thing. You look like a million bucks! Muah!
My only regret: not being able to find a suitable blue and white spandex outfit for my final photos out on the lawn...


  1. Phwoar!! I am sitting at my desk and your photos have made me a bit hot under the *ahem* collar.

    Kim - marry this man quick before somebody tries to run away with him.

    Be proud, very proud of yourself Richard as you look like a million bucks in small unmarked bills.

    Those arms... those abs... duuude.

    I think I need to have a little lie down and rest now to recover and compose myself.

  2. I've noticed that same thing about the nonsmiling faces in the day 1 photos! Well done Richard, you've done us proud and kept up the Benson family tradition of crushing the PCP. 45 pounds of fat loss is only possible with absolute consistency and dedication, we know how hard it is and send you much respect! Give this man his well earned COMPLETE!

  3. Freakingly Awesome!!
    I dont have words also...You completely crushed it dude!! Well Done..

    Yes Kim, i agree with Tracey, marry him fast before somebody runs away with thim...

  4. Wow Richard. I kid you not when I say that the changes that you have wrought on yourself are unbelievably AWESOME. Kim and yourself are just too beautiful for words. You will look so hot together coming down the aisle. Your commitment has been inspiring. And has helped me to limp along in your shadow at times. Thank you for all your support. I bow down to your 20kg loss and significant muscle gain.

  5. Wow, wow, wow. Well done and congratulations on a huge 45 pounds of fat lost. That is amazing. You put so much in and therefore got so much our of your PCP. Well done!

  6. Thanks for all the kind words folks! Is it bad that I keep coming back and checking out my own pics? Maybe just a reaction to not liking to look at photos of myself for such a long time... Dunno... Feels gratuitous. :)

  7. Man, you deserve to perv on yourself if that's what you want to do. I look like such a little wimp by comparison. Stupendous effort and great doing the project with you, man.

  8. Richard, I am an awe man. Respect!

  9. HOLY SHIT RICHARD. Amazing! well done you.

  10. Richard, YES! You smashed this one out of the park buddy! Awesome results, but no less than your consistent effort deserves. An absolute pleasure sharing this ride with you and Kim, I wish you all the very best for your wedding day and your life together. Congratulations.
