Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 85 - Almost good

Decent energy, no doubt fueled in part by liberal doses of coffee. However, I could not for the life of me get to sleep last night so my schedule continues to be off kilter.

I read this story, possibly apocryphal, about when Tom Cruise was studying swordplay with a Japanese master in preparation for The Last Samurai. When asked by a reporter about how Tom had fared in his studies, the master replied, "almost good". That's probably the most diplomatic way to tell someone they are terrible at something... not even good. That is how I feel about my skips now... but its an oddly positive way of putting it, and that reflects how I felt about today's skips. Almost good.

  1. Jumprope: ibid... see above.
  2. Pistol Squats: Tough, but barreled through them... Right leg definitely far stronger than the left.
  3. Floorjumps: First four sets weren't too bad... got a little out of breath, and was shaky on the last set, definitely a little wobble trying to get up.
  4. Forward Shoulder Raise: Brutal, just brutal. Even doing the minimum reps per set is beyond me. I have to stop momentarily and then do the final few.
  5. Chicken Wing: I don't find these quite as bad. Last set is quite difficult, but at least the reps are doable.
  6. Shoulder Fly: Holy smokes... these are tough. I am maxing out at around 25-30 depending on the set. Nice and clean though with tension throughout. My shoulders always want to rise up during these though...
  7. V-sits: Ridiculous. First two sets are doable. Third one is so-so. And the last two sets are messy. I simply can't do all of the reps with clean form. I stop when it gets too bad as I'm a bit gun shy on the ol' back.
  8. Side Crunches: I like these... I get a very different sensation on my left than on my right though. Not that one feels more strong than the other, just that the motions are quite different feeling.
  9. 8MA: Bien sur!

1 comment:

  1. Almost good? Different camera angles or not, the photos tell such an amazing story. Well done! Skipping is dull but it is affective. I was useless at skipping and they were my worst part of PCP. Now, they are almost one of my best. Almost!. You need to chill with the skipping. Don't attempt any of the fancy shit the boxers can do. Just do the boring skips.

    I too got so frustrated with the tripping so one day decided to slow my skipping down. Say 75 to 90 skips per minute. I also jumped higher each time so as to not trip so much. I found my rhythm. Once I had it, I started to speed up and stopped jumping as high.

    I'm now on 130 to 160 skips per minute but still just single jumps and no fancy stuff. Also, check your rope length, try making it shorter or longer and eventually you will find your length. I find long is for slow skipping, short is for much faster skipping where the rope is just a few cm above my head and connects the ground about 20 cm in front of my feet when I'm skipping.

    Good Luck!
