Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 89 - Pain don't hurt

Well, that's not entirely true... Penultimate day and just wrapped up the workout. Supersets were a real mixed bag:

  1. Jumprope: First set were kind of crap. My knees were kind of "giving out". Very wobbly. It was weird and not at all familiar. Even moreso considering that the second set was pretty darn good... back into the 100s sans trip up. I foresee a long road ahead though before the jumprope and I are proper friends.
  2. Legs: Pah! 5 sets of 24? No problem! Well, little "problem"... my knees were making a truly awful crunchy clicky sound. I bounded upstairs to demo it for Kim and she looked horrified and disgusted (she's good at that... I give her plenty of reason to practice though, to be fair). Still, was able to kill these, no flopping around or energy issues.
  3. Back & Chest: Sweet mother of pearl... these were excruciating! Staying true to the 20 second delay between sets was done, but it was killer. I was a bit disappointed not to be able to get back to at least 8 proper pull-ups again, at least for the last proper PCP workout, but I do feel like I squeezed every last ounce out of this superset. To the point where I nearly faceplanted on the last pushups as I was at my absolute limit.
  4. Biceps, Triceps and Shoulders: Talking with Kim afterwards it seems we had a similar experience with this... masochistic here, but I think I could have stood to have more triceps reps in this superset if it was meant to be up to major burn and failure. Maybe 18-20, rather than 15. I presume that cycling through the other exercises plus the between sets delay meant that they were getting a significant rest vs. the tricep specific workouts from before... Curls, were likewise not too bad, but again its probably my one strong suit. Shoulders on the other hand. I started off with a tighter band and quickly realized that was a mistake and had to transition back down to a lighter resistance. Throughout PCP, shoulders have been probably the one muscle group that burns all the way through each exercise, every time. I'm not complaining though as they have been doable, and being able to stay in the burn for that long has really meant I've packed on some serious muscle there.
  5. Abs: Failure on these is a really weird thing... First off, I am admittedly terrified of hurting myself on V-sits. Specifically my back. Maybe its because I don't have the voice of 8MA's Spandexo in the background telling me that he will never hurt me. Whatever the reason, great trepidation accompanied each set of v-sits throughout PCP, even though there has been a sea change from my early beached whale (see what I did there?) iteration of the exercise to now doing 30 odd in a go (as always a precipitous dropoff in the subsequent sets). Still, improvement is improvement, so I'll take it. As mentioned, Planks are likewise an odd failure exercise. Not sure I ever made proper friends with that particular pain and general awkwardness. Again, vast improvement (1min 45sec, no prob) but I have that nagging feeling I left a little in reserve...

I feel like Kim and I have been utterly spoiled being a day behind everyone else... you guys have had to test out all the fresh horrors that Patrick had in store well before us, and scramble to get the food and diets in order the day of... Anyway, thanks for making our lives so much easier during PCP! Suckers!


  1. Hey Guys..Loads of good wishes for your wedding as a new phase of life will start soon.

    Congratz on achieving a healthy body as you both have finished PCP with great results...

    Was great to read your blogs...
    Have a wonderful time...


  2. I can't wait to see your final photos - you guys did so well and have amazing bods as a result. How hot you will be at your wedding.

    Enjoy this time.
