Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 76 - Pondering the indulgence choices...

Kim and I have been chatting about our indulgences... It got us looking up some of the things we had enjoyed pre-PCP. For instance, some of the burger meals that I was having evidently totaled a whopping 2500+ calories between the burger and fries. Yikes! Granted, it wasn't very frequent, but still, even though I knew it wasn't great for me I honestly didn't realize the sheer caloric immensity.

Oddly, where I just guessed on the previous indulgences and I think I did pretty well, now that we have so many more than before, we are making sure we are properly on target. And that got us looking up a lot of other fast food places too, out of curiosity. Nothing quite like actually reading the nutrition information to put you off altogether.

One place here in Colorado is a burger chain called Smashburger. Delicious. Or is it, I don't even know how my palette would react nowadays... but looking at the nutrition info they have listed, the burgers alone are touching 1100 calories and 2700 mg of salt. Phew...

Another is a burrito joint called Qdoba. Actually, what I get there would be more in line with the 1000 calorie limit (actually 1025), and they actually provide a nice calorie calculator so you can dynamically customize your order and see how many calories it is. Cheese adds a LOT. One oddity is that they suggest the pulled pork over the chicken as a more lean alternative. Very well done though:

Today we also had a minor harvest. I think we waited just a smidge too long to pull the arugula this time as it is quite sharp. Its nice though, almost has a heat to it, and Kim prefers it that way. Beautiful zucchini too! Can't wait for the tomatoes to turn... they are getting enormous!

  1. Jumprope: Didn't do them in the morning like I normally do and was curious to see if they were any better in the afternoon. They weren't.
  2. Pull-ups/Incline Pull-ups: Managed 7 again, but somehow somehow 60 still escapes me.
  3. Rowing: Good solid exercise, but I never feel any burn here...
  4. Pull-downs: These are freakin' hard though. But looking back on previous posts,  I should be glad that I feel these in my back now instead of in my triceps, especially with tricep workouts immediately following these guys...
  5. Elevated Triceps Dips: Last few sets are serious burn from about rep 10 through 17. Definitely to failure.
  6. Ski Jumpers: Also quite difficult and honestly sometimes my form get a little wonky.
  7. Kung-Fu Sit-ups: The hardest part of these is holding on to the cross bar on the later ones
  8. Sit-ups: Hmmmmmmmm... failure? Is it an 8MA thing that failure almost seemed impossible with these? After about a hundred I stopped because I was planning to 8MA anyway.
  9. 8MA: might have to stop doing these with Kim if she can't stop farting in front of the fan blowing right on me. Between the lack of oxygen and my giggling it really upsets my ability to do these effectively dammit!

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