Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 72 - Keep on keepin' on

It seems unfair to have bitched so much in the past for not having any or enough energy and to not note that I rarely experience the crashes that I did earlier in the project. In fact, while I still enjoy the occasional afternoon coffee, its definitely not needed in the same way, as the crutch that it was earlier... The odd side effect is that it has made me lazier with my schedule. What I mean is that where before my sleepiness reminded me that I hadn't eaten or that it was time to take a break, now I am more likely to let my afternoon tea slip to 5pm, dinner to 8 or 9 and evening snack to 10:30 or 11. Maybe that's OK, but it feels like laziness and something I should keep an eye on lest it slip further and further and I'm back to my night owl schedule of pre-PCP and generally not getting enough sleep again.

Worked out particularly late today, at around 8ish, but my energy was pretty good... I've noticed lots of weird popping and crunching lately in workouts though. Especially in my shoulders, hips and knees. Are others feeling more crunchy than usual?

  1. Jumprope: meh... standard trip ups. Counted the first set out of curiosity and it was over 700 so hopefully that means that at least my pace is decent if my form still blows. Trip, pick up, and get right back into them as quickly as possible.
  2. Chest Dips: super crunchy in the shoulders... crunch up, crunch down... by the last two sets my motion is very restrained. Tiny dips.
  3. Elevated Push-ups: Wow these are excruciating. I think I missed these last week during the hike... killer. I need them though. Feel like I fail out a lot more quickly than I would like. Might have to throw some of these in during the day along with the pull ups to try and get better at them.
  4. Standing Ovations: Failure on these is pretty darn close to what I recall the max reps were... 20, I think. That does it. Felt a little sloppier than usual today though, not sure why.
  5. Curls: As always, my strong suit... And I really like watching my veins pop, shoulders working. Getting very very vain. :)
  6. One-arm Curls: Ditto! Although, since the latter are pretty much to failure I find I have to step down a band to do these nice and clean with resistance both ways...
  7. Leg-ups: Once upon a time these would have not only had my legs screaming, but been basically impossible. Now, while the last two sets are quite difficult, these are quite clean up and down form-wise. Difficult but doable.
  8. Plank: First one goes by OK. But by the end of the first minute in the second set it gets mental. And the last 30 seconds of the last two sets are just brutal. In the third set my shoulders feel like they are going to be the first to go... By the last set my whole body is shaking to an absurd degree for the last 45 seconds. So, basically insane. But, I look back at previous posts and see that not so long ago just doing a minute was hard enough... Maybe the 8MA supplement is helping? Speaking of which...
  9. 8MA! Kim is out with her girlfriends tonight no doubt showing off her new clothes and nubile self! So I did these solo tonight... not quite the same farting through them as it is when there is a chorus.


  1. Now I thought I was the only one who farted during 8MA!!

    No wonder there is that daft music as it is covering up the farting of the three spandexed wonders.

    Your skips are about the same as mine. I get over 600 done but rarely to 700 in the 6 minutes. My rope has a counter on it. I guess as long as we keep moving in those minutes it is all good.

  2. I didnt mind giving up alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits but why on earth would you want to give up coffee? Georgie did the same and suffered wicked headaches and all sorts of other ailments. I think coffee is eart's wonder drug and too good to give it up. Life is too short and if I need a "bad habit", I choose coffee.

  3. Bruce, hear hear!
    Richard, I'm with you man, those elevated push-ups and repeated 90second planks are just plain nasty.
