Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 88 - Oh la la

Lovin' the local farmers market... fill a massive bag full of as many veggies as you like for $10! So we cycled home with 6 squash, 2 cucumbers, 2 jalapenos, 6 chili peppers, a bag of roasted chili peppers, some number of fresh beets, and 8 tomatoes. We also picked up a bag of fresh peaches, one of which I am enjoying as I write this... Oh, and one more thing that is just soooooo Colorado: there was a yoga competition going on at the outdoor theater space adjacent to the marketplace. Seriously. A yoga competition. Strikes me as a peculiar thing to be a competitive sport, but what do I know... I think Kim was itching to get up there and show off her chops though, so it certainly brought out the competitiveness in her.

Apropos of absolutely nothing PCP, on the ride home we saw a B2 Stealth Bomber fly over and turn to the horizon and just vanish. Never seen one before so it was really mesmerizing. I think they were having an air show at the local municipal airport (which until very recently had a B-17 that you could get rides in, but went down in Illinois. Thankfully it didn't injure anyone but the airframe was a total loss - click here for some phenomenal photos of that plane) as we also saw formation of biplanes buzz over later in the day. Always mean to check out the air show each summer and each summer we forget that its happening!

Anywho, a local took a pic of the B2 doing a flyover of Boulder. Pretty surreal:

Also, we headed out to do a little shopping for clothes... a nice new tie for the wedding, a new summer shirt, as well as some new belts with notches I can actually use to keep my saggy clown clothes from falling off me. Tried on a few other shirts as well, and found that I was enjoying time spent in the changing room without my shirt on more than with the potential new shirts. Kim and I chatted about coming back to the store to do our final photos in the changing rooms since the lighting was so good! I don't know that they would take too kindly to that though... I told Kim that I even felt slightly guilty because I was spending so much time just checking myself out instead of concentrating on the whole clothes shopping experience.

Going to try and recreate the light situation for the last day photos and see if we can't better emphasize our gains than we have with the previous photos which are honestly a bit flat. Key seems to be better overhead lighting as opposed to the very soft light we've had in the bedroom for all the previous photos. Sure to be a trying experience for Kim dealing with my lighting experiments but I bet she'll be glad for the results...

When we got home we decided to do a closet purge to begin the process of figuring out what to do with all the clothes that no longer fit. Almost all my pants will have to be taken in significantly. Some, so much that I wonder if it will even be possible. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow but I have a stack of pants almost knee high that will need to be altered. Not before the obligatory thumb out massive pants pic on day 90!


  1. Jumprope: Slept in a bit this morning so, again, I wonder if this is having an effect or just more ammo for the sleep theory of the previous issues with the jumps, but they were actually pretty decent. Plenty of trip to be sure, but now they were more like every 300 or so rather than every 50 or less. So that was a nice way to start the day...
  2. Back and Chest Supersets: Couldn't manage my 8 pullups unfortunately, but still got 7 in... Still don't think I am going low enough on the chest dips but they remain quite awkward and I get a weird clicking in my shoulders so that's always a little worrying. Pull downs were good n' tough right through, but standing ovations were way too easy. I moved farther and farther out to increase the tension, but past a certain point it was kind of silly as it would have been too awkward to even do the motions.
  3. Biceps and Triceps Supersets: Two of my stronger muscle groups... I have to admit I barely touched burn on either of these. It was there, just not until the last couple of reps of the last few sets. The last two tricep dips sets definitely ended quite hard though.
  4. Abs Supersets: Can manage about 25-30 v-sits now for the first set and the first plank set seems to go on and on and on... I even threw in the leg lifts for shits n' giggles. And then, per the usual, it all faded quite fast in the subsequent sets. Still managed a decent 10-15 v-sits in the ensuing sets though.
  5. 8MA: was really afraid that I wasn't going to be able to do these right after the supersets but it really wasn't all that bad. It might be that I am getting to that robotic point with 8MA where, like Patrick said, my body knows the motions too well now so its not really stressing the muscles like it should. Patrick, perhaps you should make an 8MA v2.0 YouTube video, eh? In doing the ad workout homework, it does seem like we've covered a good 90% of the common ab workouts so even if I did change it up, they seem like they are mostly variations on the same core (no pun intended) themes. Still, I think my Kung Fu sit ups could use a bit more work. Would be pretty sweet to be able to get the legs a bit higher and actually be able to hold it for a 5 count.


  1. Just you wait until tomorrow buddy!! Those supersets are going to give you wobbly arms!!

  2. $10 for all those veggies. That's ridiculously great.

    The picture of the stealth bomber looks fake - just like a big stamp in the picture. But seeing as you have no reason to bring it up, I guess you also have no reason to fake it.

    Sounds like you're totally killing everything PCP-wise; great effort and great results.

  3. You sound like you had a total action packed day there! I am a little scared about the lighting, angles, etc of my Day 90 pics as my 10 year old will be taking all the photos!

  4. In Hong Kong for $10 I'd get 3 peppers

  5. you looked awfully sexy in those dressing rooms.
