Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 69 - Ugh

No energy issues but I can barely walk around my legs and hips are still so sore and stiff from the weekend.

The above definitely had an impact on the workout today...

  1. Jumprope: Not awful, not great. Decent energy, but plenty of trip ups. Skipped for an extra minute at the end to try and make up for it (and of course I tripped up during that too... best intentions)
  2. Pull-ups/Incline Pull-ups: I actually managed 6 proper pull-ups today. Is it bad that I sarcastically chuckle to myself during these? Like Kim mentioned, 70... really, 70? My form is shot at 20-30 so the rest of the sets really feel like going through the motions.
  3. Rowing: More difficult that usual. Really felt it more in the center of my back... Possibly related to a similar top center ache after packing out on Sunday morning.
  4. Pull-downs: Not to bad. Last reps of last two sets are a real bear.
  5. Elevated Triceps Dips: And I used to be so gooood at these! Still manage to do them all, but by the last two sets, especially the last few reps it feels as though I am going collapse onto the floor.
  6. Ski Jumpers: Following the former, these are quite difficult indeed.
  7. Kung-fu Sit ups: Again, possible fallout from the hike as my hips have really been aching, but these were far far more difficult than just a few days ago. Was even difficult just to maintain my grip on the bar to hang for long enough to do the full sets on the last two.
  8. Sit-ups: Oddly one of the stronger exercises today...
  9. Another delightful 8MA with Kim!



  2. Get a room you two!! :-)

    Anyone would think you are about to be newly weds or something.
