Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 80 - Indulgence

Yeah, I know... "uninspired". But my burger, fries, and small ice cream were all delicious and absolutely hit the spot. And more bizarrely (and slightly worryingly) they didn't taste overly salty or sweet and the burger and fries didn't fill me up nearly as much as I would have expected. Still, it was what I was craving the most so it was the best indulgence yet...

Anything strike you as odd about this pair of stores?

The only indulgence I didn't partake in...
Definitely feeling a bit achy all over still, and my left wrist in particular feels strained. Thankfully my lower back is not as bad as it had been earlier in the week.

  1. Jumprope: Waited until the evening to do the jumps and workout because I was so exhausted from the late night's work... And whattya know, burger and ice cream fueled jumps were actually pretty decent. Still had a few trip ups, but the energy level and general cleanliness of the skips was certainly better...
  2. Pullups and Incline Pull ups: Six, with a colossally weak seventh. Have been able to do many more of the inclines though, but the last reps in the last two sets are pretty dismal.
  3. Lawnmowers: can actually feel these aching...
  4. Pull-downs: not too shabby
  5. Elevated Triceps Dips: OK, these were freakin' hard today, and that pain in my wrist certainly didn't help. These are always difficult but for whatever reason they were moreso today.
  6. Triceps Extensions: Always tough after tricep dips and I usually don't have to go down a band. In fact, I don't think I ever have... but I did today.
  7. Kung-fu Sit-ups: These were nice and clean actually. Hard to really feel them in my abs though as the most difficult part is the hanging there.
  8. Bicycle: Less insanely difficult than before, but still insanely difficult. Last two sets hit the wall with about 15 to 20 seconds to spare.


  1. Richard - your blogs a great read! I'm a rookie On day 20 but would love to have the secrets of your awesome sounding salsa if that would be ok? Keep up the great work - the end's in sight!!!! Alex M

  2. Thanks for the kind words Alex! If you like my blog posts, you should definitely avail yourself of some of the others in my group. We have some semi-professional comedians here... very entertaining group!

    OK, nothing too secret about the salsa, but I tell you what, its awfully nice to have a big batch there for breakfast, lunch or dinner (although as Patrick will tell you, keep the variety of your meals up and don't eat the same thing for every meal every day). And unfortunately I'm not a weigh and measure kind of chef, so I'll just guesstimate the proportions and you can tailor it to your taste:

    Take at least 6 healthy size (small fist) tomatoes. Dice into roughly quarter inch cubes (bigger or smaller depending on the kind of salsa you like - chunky or smoother). Take a quarter of a red onion and dice it fairly fine. Take four or more cloves of garlic (more or less as you like... I love garlic but the smell will take over your fridge!) and puree it. Get a half bunch of fresh cilantro (fresh, not dried) and take a mezzaluna to it and chop it to a medium to fine size. And lastly, get a small jalepeno (or larger if you dig the heat) and dice that up. If you wanted it to be ridiculously hot you can puree it as that will cut up all the seeds. But fair warning, it will be insanely hot. Conversely, if you want to moderate the heat, remove most of the seeds before dicing it up. Now chuck all the above into a bowl, splash a little lemon juice in there and grind some fresh black pepper to season... Voila!

    One last note that happened to me and one of my PCP groupmates, Bruce: on the PCP diet you get less oily so you lose your skin barrier to the capsaicin. So be very careful handling the diced peppers, especially if you've just worked out and your pores have opened up too... You can really get a solid 24+ hour burn in your hands, or your face.

  3. Will try your salsa without the jalapenos!

  4. Richard - awesome salsa!!! Had a whole batch made up and took dry old tuna into tuna heaven. Many thanks! Alex
