Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 71 - To trip to trip to trip to trippin' up and down...

Something I neglected to mention from the hike but that Kim and I chatted about this morning: our feet have gotten smaller/slimmer. I noticed it on the hike because my feet, even with fat hiking socks, scooted around a fair bit more than usual in my boots and I got blisters under and on the sides of my feet... which is weird because I've had these old-school hiking boots for roughly 20 years now and its never been an issue before. I shop for shoes like once every 3 years, so while Kim was immediately aware of the change (for reasons that should be obvious), it took the trip for me to become more acutely aware.

Tangent: reminder to myself for tomorrow to make slim cut sweet potatoes on the grill, like thick potato chips. Mmmmmmmmm... Season with little garlic powder and black pepper. Should be lush!

Colossal leap in my protein intake in the diet, so hopefully that will help with the muscle manufacturing in the next weeks. And I admit I do like the additional meat for lunch and dinner... I've really been craving more meat in the diet so this is a relief.

So, for the first time I actually felt like vomiting during the workout. Twice, in fact. I believe I had read that others had felt this before as well, so I'll be curious to see if Patrick has answers... 

Oh, and I've found the perfect representation of me doing jump rope replete with an apropos Porky Pig laughing at my efforts:
In case the vid doesn't work (had to hack the embed code):
  1. Jumprope: see vid above
  2. Pistol Squats: always difficult, but more annoying than difficult... being totally honest with myself, I am definitely leaning too heavily on my support arm during these. I try to do them with pure leg muscle but always end up throwing an arm out and its like the smallest effort is all that is needed to  help get back up. Feeling guilty.
  3. Floorjumps: I skipped ahead and read all the pro tips like I imagine everyone does and saw the one about trying to keep your quads off of your calves... hooooooooo weee, that makes these even harder!
  4. DaVincis: so, here's the thing... when we had mandatory sets and reps for these I was pushing through them (what was it, 18-20 reps/set?) but doing bloody awful form and having enormous pauses between reps towards the end of the sets well past when I had already failed. Now that the bar is failure, I feel like I am concentrating on the reps themselves being much more clean and maintaining resistance throughout the motions to and fro... I am doing less, but unless I am missing something, they feel just as, if not more, difficult.
  5. Shoulder Press: Similar to the above pre-failure scenario... I'm basically shot with full reps by the third set. Reps 10-20 in the third and fourth sets are dismal form-wise, but I still do them.
  6. Shoulder Fly: These I actually feel like I can manage to do properly all the way through. I do need to watch though as I have a tendency to let my shoulders rise up as I get fatigued.
  7. V-sits: Criminy... perhaps its because I missed these last week during the trip, but these were extremely difficult. By the halfway point of the fourth and fifth sets, I was totally shot and doing very restrained motions rather than returning all the way to the start position.
  8. Side Crunches: Ditto. Yiminey... these were hard today. Although part of me really likes them as they are one of the few ab workouts I can do decently.
  9. 8MA: dayum, straight after the latter, this was freakin' hard tonight!

1 comment:

  1. You do 8MA right after you workout. That is hardcore man!!
