Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 31 - Evening - Workout

Back ached all day, but with a few exceptions, it wasn't a sharp pain so it was pretty manageable. Tried to keep good posture, rotate the arms around a bit, and ice every once and a while. Hopefully I'm not being overly optimistic but I think this is going to be a short lived malady.

Also, it has to be said, Kim has made an awesome re-discovery in acorn squash. She grilled a big one up a couple of days ago, and not only is it quite dense, grams-wise, it tastes absolutely phenomenal off the grill. Very highly recommend... and grind up a little black pepper. Mmmmmm, deeelish!

Thankfully, and partially by design, there weren't any shoulder or back exercises today so I was actually able to complete the whole workout without too much trouble.

  1. Jump rope: similar issue from yesterday where I had a lot of trouble linking up clean groups of jumps. I had Kim stand in front of me to look at my form and apparently I have one arm in close to my body, one arm out, and my feet are turning slightly to my right. Yuck. So my form is very asymmetric. Probably part of the problem, but the thing is that I feel like I am even, despite the reality. Unfortunately we don't have any floor length mirrors in a place where I can jump in the house so I'll just try to compensate and hopefully get Kim to check my form every once and a while...
  2. Floorjump: these are murderous... the first 10 or so are very deceptive. Too easy. And then by the latter 3 sets its all I can do to be ready by the time the 15 second interval is up. And standing up after collapsing on the last one is an ordeal in itself. Wobbly.
  3. Curl: not too bad, good burn on the last set.
  4. One arm curl: much more difficult, but I feel like there was a burn plateau midway through the second set
  5. Elevated triceps dip: this was the one of the exercises I was really wary of vis-a-vis the back/shoulder blade but that turned out to be unfounded worry as they were surprisingly clean and strong with a solid, but not too bad burn on the last set. Could get really deep into these.
  6. Double Katana: I think these are OK... kind of hard towards the end but I always wonder if I've got the form right.
  7. Leg up: extremely difficult... and for the first time I am actually feeling them not only in my legs, but in my lower abdomen. Definitely cheating a little on the 15 second rest period as I am totally winded in the last two sets and can't keep good form.
  8. Plank: felt nice and strong. As usual, no burn, but a little shake. Not as bad as last time... Noticed that it looks like my belly is jutting way out, pot-belly style when I do these. Not very glamorous.
So, that was a relief. I was truly worried that there were going to be more issues on the workouts due to the back thing. I'll probably do my workout in the evening again tomorrow (although I typically like the morning workouts more since I could use the extra fat burning edge) just to give the back a little more time to heal since it appears to be more intensely back and shoulder tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Got to empathise with you on the belly hanging down in the plank. Still I guess if it's not touching the floor, our forms decent and we're not _that_ fat!
