Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 47 - Where the f**k did all these pullups come from?

Lazy lazy day... got out of bed around 10:30. Kim was exhausted, having gotten in very late last night from work up in the mountains. It was a great excuse. So everything was a little behind, but we managed just fine... Didn't do as much cooking as usual for a Sunday, so I'm planning on doing more grilling of fish tomorrow. I've been thinking that a little more variety in the protein department might be in order (normally eating loads of pre-grilled chicken) but I don't like cold fish so I haven't been eating as much if I'm busy as I have been...

Just had a very satisfying batch of grilled asparagus, some carrots and some slices of a very nice tomato and its off to bed...


  1. Jumprope: not to bad. Probably doesn't hurt that I got a ton of sleep.
  2. Floorjump: the newly revised form to have greater height and distance is having its effect. Last two sets end in collapse
  3. Lunges: boring, but no longer dreaded...
  4. Pull-up/Incline Pull-ups: OK, WTF. Its doesn't appear that these are grounded in reality at all. Is there anyone at our level of PCP who is honestly capable of doing a complete, clean 4 sets of 8-10 Pull-ups or 6 sets of 9-12 Incline Pull-ups? I know the reality is that we have done this at least once a week in the preceding weeks, but it feels like a dramatic ramp up has occurred and I just got lost along the way or hit a complete and utter wall. I can manage 4 (last one is iffy) of the standard pull-ups, and do the rest as incline pull-ups. And by the rest, I mean maybe 3 decent sets. The last 3 sets would be hilarious if they weren't so pathetic... or maybe they are hilarious for that very reason. I know I already moaned about this on the question thread but I really don't get it. My last three sets feature restricted travel of scant inches at the minimum number of reps, so am I getting real benefit from the exercise? Hoping for a dose of wisdom because for the first time in PCP thus far, its actually hard to take the goals outlined on the workout sheet for this exercise seriously because they are so far beyond what I am remotely capable of with any decent form. Here's the thing: I can deal with really difficult exercises. We have plenty of those. But when over half of the sets are literally impossible to do with form, that is hard to reason out... We are at week 7 and I feel like I'm at Week 4 on these. Or perhaps I am the only one that just sucks at them.
  5. Lawnmowers: form still seems a little weird on these... not entirely certain how much, if at all, I should be feeling these.
  6. Pull-Downs: Tough, but a good steady burn right through.
  7. Forward Shoulder Raise: Not ready to change bands on these guys... grueling from the second set right through to the end.
  8. Sit-ups: A funny thing happened on the way to some ab strength... I actually kind of like these now. The first set isn't too bad, but midway through the second set the burn sets in and stays there right through the end... the cool thing is that its a really intense burn, but unlike some of the other exercises I feel like its working with me, not against me. Pretty cool sensation and definitely not something I expected.
  9. Kun-Fu Sit-ups: Attaching a video to see if this is OK. We don't have any doorways in the house or crossbars that are high enough up for me to actually hang fully extended as on the sheet. Not too shabby though... assuming this is acceptable.


  1. Totally with you on point 4, only more-so, insofar as I can't do any full pull-ups.

  2. The words 'pull up' makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. They are my pet hate by a country mile

  3. Hats off to you on the kung-fu sit ups. I had to bend my knees to raise my legs, find them bloody difficult.
