Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 58 - Iiiiiiiii've got veins... they carry blood all over mah bahdy...

Running out of food in the larder! We apparently didn't roll with the change in diet as well in our last trip to the grocery store. The quantity of milk and yogurt that we are plowing through is astounding. Ran out of leafy greens and apples too, so we'll definitely need to swing by the store tomorrow.

Running a little low on energy today too, but as always coffee is a great crutch, coming through in the clutch.

Concentrated on not taking more than 20 seconds between reps sets and whatnot... As usual, enjoyed the bicep workout, and totally vascular! Good vein pop...

  1. Jumprope: so-so today... had one lot of 300+ in a go, and the rest were the standard 150 or so.
  2. Chest dips: for possibly the first time, I felt these in my chest instead of my shoulders. Felt good. Clean reps, pretty deep until the last few, and definitely right up to failure.
  3. Push-ups: these are so odd. Sometimes I can do them great... up on the toes all the way through. And sometimes, like today, I have to go to the knees on the last reps of the last set.
  4. Standing Ovations: definitely really hard on the last few reps of the last two sets. Really squeezing and trying to get the most out of them.
  5. Curls: Still diggin' them... Although there is a considerable strength difference between left and right. Good failure at the end.
  6. Outside Curls: I definitely wanted to wait longer than 20 seconds before starting these since it felt like it was right on top of regular curl failure... pressed on. Again, the disparity in strength between left and right seemed amplified with this workout. I could feel that my form on the left wasn't as good as that on my right.
  7. One-arm curls: Brutal. The number of reps/sets on top of all the previous ones just kill. Not failure exactly, but I think doing more would have resulted in injury.
  8. Leg-ups: Dig that I can finally do these all the way through and not just feel it in my legs. Its subtle in the lower abs, but I'm glad that I'm feeling it if just for the psychological reassurance that its affecting that area.
  9. Plank: Still massively difficult. Haven't looked ahead yet to see if these go up, but I hope not. Still having issues finishing the last set without cheating (sticking my butt up briefly or quickly dropping a knee). Also, I am feeling shoulder failure just propping up. I need another word for brutal.
  10. 8MA with Kim. The irony of playing a particular episode of Star Trek in the background featuring a malevolent gas cloud and doing this workout with Kim was not lost on me.


  1. Thanks so much for your comforting words and reaffirming that none of us is alone. I don't think I was made for many of the exercises!

    Looking forwards to seeing the tats.....

  2. There's only so much we can hold in the pressure chamber. All that squeezing!
