Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 57 - Hellbent for Leather (jumpropes)

Yuck... Kim and I got off to a bad start this morning. Low energy again. I bounced back OK though and haven't had any energy issues later in the day.

Had some fun with the pics this time:
Princess Kim to my Jabba
Also took a squishy fat photo of myself in addition to the normal Flickr set as a little extra motivation to continue to get rid of the spare tire around my waist. That is some stubborn fat...

Also also, at the risk of being labeled a complete suckup, this blog that I read had a modified version of the new nutrition graphic that the US is touting. The original, new graphic from the  USDA:
Attribution link: USDA's MyPlate Homepage

Out with the old food pyramid, in with something that is surprisingly closer to PCP diets... I say surprising because I had read that these things can get very politicized (like the inclusion/exclusion of red meat on the chart details can get the cattlemen lobbies up in arms). Anyway, this seemed an appropriate-to-PCP attitude take on the original graphic:

That aforementioned low energy definitely made itself known in the jumps which sucked again. More positively, I will say this about the shoulder workouts: they freakin' kill every single time but they are probably the one muscle group if I isolated them that are showing huge changes (relatively speaking).

  1. Jumps: broken record. And not in the sense that I broke any... more like I'm getting tired of hearing myself complain about doing so terrible at them day after day for 50+ days, so I can only imagine how much fun it is to read about. That said, I did snap for the first time and threw my rope into the floor in a fit. Not a proud moment. Kevin suggested a leather rope and I may just have to try that out...
  2. Lunges: boring as always, but doable. Little bit of burn and some wobble towards the end
  3. Pistol Squats: these took longer than I remembered... inheriting the mantel from Lunges, perhaps? Again, tough, but not excruciatingly so.
  4. Floorjumps: on the other hand... last three sets, and the last one in particular was kind of funny with me crawling on all fours on the floor
  5. DaVinci: shoulder workouts are always tough, but they certainly felt moreso today. Last few sets were a real struggle.
  6. Shoulder Press: as if these weren't bad enough, I accidentally glanced over at the sheet on the screen and saw the "5 sets" for the DaVincis instead of the 4 we were supposed to do... so these were particularly excruciating given that I did an additional, albeit not too bad (form-wise), set.
  7. Shoulder Fly: really hard, as always, last set its definitely a task to stay on form 
  8. V-sits: Can do the majority of these properly, which just a few weeks ago would have been unthinkable. Last set is still a bit of a mess, but I'm quite pleased with the progress and the fact that I can feel these in my lower abs which seem particularly difficult to isolate. Not surprisingly they also bump out quite a bit more than the upper abs.
  9. Side Crunch: oh! could have done with this pro tip a few weeks ago when we started these! That extra knee lift in conjunction with the crunch is just what was kneeded. That's what I said. Definitely ups the burn on these...


  1. I was crawling around on all fours after my floor jumps too. I think that is a good thing.

    I have thrown my rope on the floor in frustration more than a few times so you are not alone there either my friend.

    Love the photo of Kim.

  2. Awesome find with the food plate graphic. I wrote a blog about nutrition pyramids here if you're interested.
