Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 60 - In the Mountains, no PCP Valley here

We did a shindig in the mountains ostensibly for my birthday for the evening of Day 59, but really it was just a good excuse to get everyone together to get drunk and eat fatty and sweet foods. Which, of course, Kim and I did not partake in... Didn't miss the alcohol one bit, but some of the desserts looked quite tempting, I admit... cupcakes and balls of chocolate with walnuts. Next morning went for a short mountain hike, gorgeous weather.

Split our jumps and exercises so we could do the jumps first thing in the morning while everyone else was still sleeping off their hangovers. And did the rest when we got home even though we were knackered

  1. Jumprope: Did my jumps on the porch at the house (maybe roughly 9000 - 9500 ft. above sea level) and lo and behold they were great! Very few trip ups, which is to say less than the usual.
  2. Squats: Dull but doable.
  3. Pistol Squats: I find these quite hard. If I try to do them without any assist I can't come back up. Quite hard.
  4. Creep: Followed the instructions to not let my heels touch the ground. 
  5. Forward Shoulder Raise: Devilishly hard to maintain form all the way through. Standard incendiary feel in the shoulders.
  6. Chicken Wing: these always feel tremendously awkward. I can't tell if perhaps the band is slightly too long because its pretty slack at the bottom and I'm not feeling quite the same penetration right in my shoulders as I do on the other exercises.
  7. Shoulder Fly: Once upon a time these were absolutely brutal. Still difficult and the last set is quite hard, but these have become quite a bit more manageable. 
  8. V-sits: Ugh. These were harder than usual... First two sets weren't too bad, but the last two sets were very very tough. Not great energy.
  9. Side Crunches: As before, that extra leg lift is just what is needed to make these truly excruciating...
  10. 8MA: have also incorporated the leg lift into the 8MA side crunches. Between this and the latter, my obliques are screaming by the end. One exercise in particular that I wish we had a lot more of from this are the leg lifts and leg tucks. Not because I like them, but because I can really feel them isolating my lower abs and there aren't a lot of exercises that seem to do that well.


  1. I have just done my skips this morning while my husband is sleeping off his hangover from last night. :-)

    Good to hear you are doing well. Your photos are great.

  2. I've been throwing in extra reverse crunches to ab sets, have not found anything that works the lower section as hard.
