Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 32 - If I could bottle my own methane

We've been grilling so much it shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did when the propane tank started running out while grilling portabello mushrooms this evening. Might have to invest in an extra tank so that doesn't happen again, considering how much grilling we've been doing (at least once a day and sometimes more). Been particularly flatulent today so it got me wondering just how I might go about bottling it and offset the cost of grilling. A real circle of life thing, you know?

By the way, portabellos with a little black pepper, garlic and onion... fantastic. Its the red meat of the mushroom world.

Cycled down to the farmer's market again this morning as is the Saturday morning ritual. The primary stall always has a roaster set up and today they had roasted chili peppers instead of poblanos... absolutely fantastic. Bruce, you would appreciate!

Also scooted down to Boulder to check out the larger farmers market there to pick up a few more veggies, find gluten free bread for Kim as well as look at and start designing our wedding bands... An admittedly odd mix of activities.

As I mentioned yesterday, I decided to do the workout in the evening again to let the shoulder and back have the full day to rest and limber up. Still giving me random pain, like when I pull the hand brake up on the car. Really unexpected movements seem to affect it, but thankfully as the day progresses the pain definitely falls off fairly precipitously in contrast to the morning. And this evening its far better than it was last night, so I have high hopes.

Oh, and one more thing... kind of big in my book: a huge leap in flexibility during stretching before working out. I don't know if this is related to working out in the evening and having the whole day to limber up or what, but much much more flexible than usual. This is big for me because I am notoriously stiff, especially in my back and I'm sure its contributed to no small share of pain and general fitness issues in the past.

  1. Jump ropes: didn't set any records but I destroyed these! Really fast, very little pause between the inevitable trip ups, tons and tons of energy. Managed a respectable 217 sans trip up and a lot of 150+ groups without tripping. Felt awesome!
  2. Lunge: not too shabby... not a ton of burn, though my left butt cheek is a little sore. Should we be burning much on these? If so perhaps I should be going deeper.
  3. Floorjump: so perhaps I over-moderated myself on my own recommendation from yesterday or I really was at an extremely high energy level because these, while still very difficult and leaving me wobbly standing up at the end, weren't the soul crushing experience of yesterday.
  4. Back exercises: sooooooo... I skipped these today. Decided that while I really wanted to do them (I actually enjoy the back exercises), I would be better off letting the back rest for a while longer rather than risk re-injuring myself or simply prolonging the existing problem. So, I admit I feel a little guilty about it, but am confident I can get "back" up to speed soon.
  5. Davinci: freakin' hard as always... I really can't elaborate on these any more than I have already. Just really really really difficult. Probably the one, most consistently difficult workout area has been shoulders. It has really come as a surprise to me as I thought I actually was starting from a pretty solid base, relatively speaking. But no, these are just excruciatingly hard every single time.
  6. Sit-ups: I think my form and stamina (or at least my ability to do the full sets with the 15 second intervals) is definitely improving. Again, not certain if this is right or not but I seem to plateau in terms of the pain and burn during the 3rd set and the remainder while extremely difficult are a manageable constant burn. Hope I'm not cheating or compensating somehow and not realizing it.
  7. Plank: OK, today these were really difficult. For whatever reason just past that threshold of 30 seconds and it became quite a bit harder. I'm also fairly certain I keep forgetting to breathe during these. I don't know why I do it, but I keep catching myself holding my breath during the planks.
Haven't decided yet whether to do an evening workout again tomorrow or try to get back to the morning schedule. Can't decide whether the chest exercises are going to be problematic or not... I'm definitely going to try them, but I might do the evening workout again just to allow for the full day to continue repairing the shoulder and get back to mornings on Monday.

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