Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 31 - Morning - Uh oh... back trouble

This actually started yesterday evening... I have no idea what its from, or if I strained myself working out in the morning and it took the day to manifest, or if it was poor posture sitting or what, but the muscles surrounding my left shoulder blade are in some serious pain. To the point where it kept waking me up last night when my body would roll over and get a jolt of pain. I know its not recommended in the the program but I had to take some ibuprofen to knock back the pain just to get a little sleep, even in fits. Did some yoga back stretches this morning but I'm finding it very difficult to isolate the problem area. Its most painful if I rotate my torso and reach with one hand or the other. But the pain is roughly isolated to the area around and maybe behind the shoulder blade (not the shoulder itself). Very weird, a new trouble area for me... anyway, it meant I've put off the jumps and workout this morning to this evening in the hopes that I can alleviate the pain or it works its own way out.

Kim has given me the aforementioned yoga stretches (cow, maybe?), but if anyone has further suggestions to try out I would be grateful!

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