Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 40 and 41 - Mmmmmmm, carrots recipe...

So, on our trip out to San Diego my cousin reminded me of an Italian dish that my mother used to make and I had completely forgotten about. And its so PCP, I just have to share: shredded carrots with lemon and cumin. Super fast to make if you have a Cuisinart and easy to weigh out. And there is something about the taste of carrot and lemon... I also added some chopped up onions and ground pepper to mine but Kim is sticking to the basic recipe for hers. So, do what you will with it!

Day 40 Workout

  1. Jumprope: I was so so very tired on Sunday (part of the reason that I didn't blog) that my skips were just awful. But I know that most of the reason was the lack of sleep.
  2. Pistol Squats: so-so... Kim had said we need to have our feet flat but the photo appears to show Patrick on the ball of his feet. That seemed much more natural a motion than flat footed, but not as difficult. Still plenty hard, so hopefully that is acceptable.
  3. Floorjump: Very hard, but nowhere near as hard as they were when we first started on these...
  4. Chest Dip: I really don't know if I am doing these right or not but I'm not feeling them in my chest at all.
  5. Pushups: So, I don't know if its just been a long time since we've done them or not but these were quite difficult. And weirdly I really felt them in my shoulders more than I expected. Maybe because I was tired.
  6. Standing Ovation: I really dig these.
  7. DaVinci: I really don't dig these. Its the one exercise group that I have a hard time discerning between burn and overdoing it.
  8. Situps: Actually starting to like these... seems perverse.
  9. Plank: Again, possibly because I was so exhausted, but these were a real struggle. And not just for the last 10 seconds anymore...
Day 41 Workout
Did the skips in the morning but split up the workout so the exercises were in the evening. I didn't get a ton of sleep as I was up answering emails and cooking for the week and helping Kim out with food prep for her trip so I was really low energy again this morning.
  1. Jumprope: as mentioned, kind of low energy... and the jumps reflected that again. Not sure I even managed 200 in a go.
  2. Pistol Squat: for some reason the name of this exercise always reminds me of a Rage Against the Machine song. Difficult, but as I did them in the evening they were not as difficult as when done immediately after jumps.
  3. Creep: Ditto. No longer quivering on the ground after doing these and I don't think I am doing them any different than before.
  4. Thumbs-up Curl: Always dig on the bicep workouts. Difficult, clean...
  5. One-arm Curl: Phew, these took a while, but felt good.
  6. Elevated Triceps Dip: I feel like I can really do these almost perfect... clean and slow and the last set is quite difficult but completed.
  7. Triceps Extension: Hard but clean, I think.
  8. Bicycle: Holy shinke... these are obliterating my legs. The last set is best described as feeble.
  9. V-sits: getting better but still not the cleanest sets by the end

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