Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 37 thru 39 - Surfin' and Skippin' in sunny sandy San Diego

Apologies for the lull! Got out here and immediately hit the beach on Thursday and went surfing for the first time, resulting in:
1. A wicked chest burn from not wearing a rash vest (including some burnt nip tips)
2. Nice sand burn on my left knee... Looks like I'm 12 years old...
3. Actual sunburn on my right ankle... Don't know how I missed that.
4. Restrained my left shoulder
5. An absolutely awesome time

On the downside, between being out there for the better part of three hours, the sun and the surfing, I was totally shattered and shamefully didnt work out for the first time since starting PCP! I'm hoping that the pushups on the board, the swimming, the arched back and so forth might offset my horrible failure!

Food wise it's been great though... Lots of fish and seafood places that are more than happy to serve up raw or seared fish with rice and salad. And my cousin and her fiance have been super accommodating with the food and workouts. The weather here is great... Warm but breezy and I've done all the skipping outside around the corner from their place.

Whoo hoo! 478 in one go, no trip ups! I'm thinking that between the sea level altitude and doing yesterday's set in the afternoon it was a perfect workout storm of sorts. This morning wasn't nearly as good... More like the norm so I think that perhaps the morning vs afternoon thing holds true, regardless of altitude.

Got all the workouts in but I goofed in the creeps and pistols and did them in reverse order this morning which rendered the pistols almost completely impossible to perform.

Anyway, good trip... I think it was a litle more off plan than I would have liked but whattyagonnado. Return to proper schedule tomorrow when we get back.


  1. Well done on the new skipping record. I'm still not good at the distance although my new record is 1032 before the first trip. I still however break the skips up into 100, or 150 and occasionally 200. Your photo are also showing a huge change so you must be happy about that. Well done!

  2. I've surfed once in my life about 12 years ago, on Waikiki beach. My nipples we're bleeding at the end so Mandy went off to get me some plasters, she came back with zebra print ones. Thanks Mand!

  3. Welcome back and sounds like a change of scene has recharged your battery. Tally ho !
