Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 49 - but its year 37... jam a candle into that apple!

Another year older... and yet feeling quite spry, thanks in no small part to PCP! Kim goes all out on the birthdays, so the kitchen was decked out and Kim evidently stole a crown from the kids at the camp she just returned from working at, so I had that going for me too...

Kim made me a special PCP dinner!


  1. I was doing OK on the skips until the last set which kind of blew. Lots of trip ups.
  2. Squeezed in an 8MA, oh yeah... Is it bad that when Spandexo, or whatever his name is, says, "this will never hurt you", I hear, "I will never hurt you"? And I believe him. Similarly, when Patrick tells us that our bodies are not a sterile lab, I think, "well surely there are better metaphors to choose from than castrated dogs..."
So, I followed in Kim's footsteps and had ice cream too given the birthday and all... I didn't have a real craving, but figured what the hey. Sad admission: I couldn't finish it. Not even close. But aside from a slightly high feeling afterwards, and getting a rumbly stomach it wasn't too bad. No kidding though, I could probably have done without it. Except the photo of Kim might have made it worthwhile... 


  1. Happy birthday, great looking cake! Can I call it a cake? We'll pretend. You;re looking a lot thinner of face in these pics.

  2. Congratulations Richard and happy birthday. Well done on not going too crazy and way to go Kim. Good job.

  3. Ditto Pete, really visible weight loss around your face. Way to go! Did you feel really sleepy after the ice cream crash? I had ice cream at indulgence #1 and turned into a zombie about an hour later.

  4. Yeah you do not look fat any more bro. Good job! Looking awesome and soe much younger and fit again!

  5. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, including my insane brother's comments!

    Kevin, definitely had a high and subsequent crash, but it wasn't too bad. I think if I had actually manned up and eaten the whole thing I might have gone into a sugar coma... One scoop of Death by Chocolate and one (free birthday scoop) of Peanut Butter Explosion. Really, I think they are warning you off with the names anyway. I shouldn't have succumbed to the free scoop. It ended up going more or less to waste (or Kim ate it, but I'll never tell)...
