Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 44 - Boring Post

Bor-ing. I need to hit the hay so its short and sweet tonight.


  1. Jumprope: Kinda low energy again this morning, but not as bad as the last two days. Sometimes I get really winded in the last few sets and my form falls apart.
  2. Pistol Squat: I can't do these without something to lean on for assistance. Tried a few unassisted from the bottom of the motion and after a couple it was completely impossible.
  3. Squat: So, here's the thing about the squats and the legs workouts in general: they no longer burn like they did, BUT my legs are like wet spaghetti when I'm done. The table for incline pullups is upstairs so trotting up the stairs is a good indicator that the legs have been worked.
  4. Pull-ups/Incline Pull-ups: Has it been a really really long time since I've done these? Feels like ages and it also feels like I haven't made similar strength gains as with other workouts. Kind of dismal performance. Managed 3 relatively clean regular pull-ups and the rest as inclines... but even those were really weak, the last two sets were extremely restricted motion
  5. Rowing: always want to add more to these but I'm hesitant in case I end up overdoing my back again
  6. Lawnmower: very bizarre not really feeling it in your back, so hoping I'm getting this right
  7. Shoulder Fly: Sticking with the lighter bands on these and they still kill all the way through
  8. Sit-up: Actually starting like these...
  9. V-sit: The last 2 sets of these are almost impossible to keep form on all the way through... although, on the upside, at least my legs  are not burning quite the same all the way through as they had been
  10. Tacked on 8 minute abs!

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