Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 50 - Hey gang!

Got kind of off schedule today... not terrible, but its definitely easy for me to get really into a project and totally space what time it is and not have my snack or eat lunch particularly late. For my dinner yogurt, I threw in some cucumbers, dill, and black pepper... nice.

As is my new norm, I'm breaking up jumps and the rest of the exercises between morning and evening respectively. I know Patrick said it was fine, but as I still have a fair bit of fat to get rid of, would it be better to do everything in the morning still?

  1. Jumprope: Standard trip ups. Seems like I'm averaging roughly 300+ which puts me at a 100/minute pace. Got a nice solid set or two in, but I'm starting to get random aches that some people have talked about on their blogs. My left thumb? Very bizarre.
  2. Squats: tough but manageable... perhaps I can do them slower? I don't feel like I'm going particularly fast, but I admit I'm not getting a lot of burn from them
  3. Pistol Squats: tough, but again manageable. Still extremely reliant on the resting hand for balance but it also feels like a bit of a cheat
  4. Floorjumps: first two weren't too bad, but the last three were increasing levels of extreme burn, ending with me on my knees
  5. Davinci: like all shoulder exercises... brutal
  6. Shoulder Press: ditto... although, I do find that if I don't get my arms just right at the bottom of this motion I end up working my triceps instead of my shoulders
  7. Shoulder Fly: again, very very tough... I think the shoulder exercises are why its hard to sleep on my side at night. Lots of aching there.
  8. V-sit: definitely getting better. Form starts to fall apart in the last two sets, but I can get through them, albeit slowly...
  9. Side Crunch: I am seriously trying like the dickens to figure out how to make these burn, but they don't. They hard enough I guess, but nowhere near like the rest of the ab workouts.
  10. 8MA with Kim chanting along with the video... part of the ab workout is the giggling, right?

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