Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 48 - Today was a good day

Good general energy level today, which is weird because I only got 7 hours of sleep. I say only because usually 8 hours is not enough.

As I said, good energy today, so the workout was actually fun... Kim and I were talking about it earlier, yesterday's rant about pullups aside, we are really enjoying the workouts now. Still massively difficult in parts, but I feel more in control, if that makes sense, which allows for more enjoyment of the individual exercises. And which undoubtedly means that the next set of workouts will flip the script in some new horrific fashion.

  1. Jumprope: Again, meh. Lots of energy held back only by my lack of skills. Many batches of 200+ though, so that was nice.
  2. Pistol Squats: Not too bad, still wholly dependent on the balance arm though...
  3. Squats: Dull, but not nearly as difficult as they have been...
  4. Thumbs Up Curls: I'm afraid these may be too easy. Definitely burns, but it doesn't get in the way of the exercise and I'm not reaching failure on these.
  5. One Arm Curls: Ditto. Perhaps I should be tacking on some more sets.
  6. Elevated Tricep Dips: Again, almost the perfect exercise... builds gradually up until failure on the last rep of the last set. Perfecto.
  7. Tricep Extensions: Phew, these are difficult.
  8. V-Sits: I remember when these were hilariously bad, just flopping back and forth. Now, I've got more control... last set and a half not withstanding.
  9. Plank: Man-o-man, these are grueling. And not in a "please sir, can I have some more?" way. Gutted that I dropped my knee with only 10 second left to go on the last rep so I stayed up for an additional 10 seconds as punishment. Only, I'm fairly certain it doesn't work that way since that moment of rest seemingly reinvigorates me quite a bit.
  10. 8MA! I am honestly really really enjoying this... I am endlessly amused by the narration, but it feels good too and given that all our workouts end on abs, its a perfect coda.

1 comment:

  1. With the 8MA - do you think he makes a mistake at the end? He says there is 30 seconds to go and then 5 seconds later it is 10 seconds to go?

    Also, there is one exercise where he says it is the right oblique and I swear it is the left oblique that is the one being worked.

    It does make me laugh though - his voice is really nasally. C'mon gang!!
