Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 30 - Seeing some physical changes...

Actually saw a little half moon under my solar plexus that I don't remember seeing before, or its been there but covered with fat for so long... Spent an inordinate amount of time checking myself out in the mirror this morning too. Definitely seeing some changes.

Was able to dive into our massive arugula haul from the garden. Good stuff, but I'm going to need to dial down the spice for the veggies... between the arugula, some particularly sharp radishes, and the salsa, its a bit much.


  1. Jump rope: I don't know if I'm not getting enough sleep or what the deal was but my energy level for the jumps wasn't great this morning. Took almost 500 jumps to even find a rhythm. Then I was able to manage 217 in a go, and lots of 100, 150 and a final 200. Still, its more than a little frustrating when it feels like you are doing it right but the rope is brushing your feet constantly and there are more trip ups than I would like. Guess its just not second nature yet...
  2. Squats: I'm wondering if I'm doing these wrong because I'm not feeling the intense burn I had before
  3. Creep: on the other hand... actually, Kim had commented when I did this last time and absolutely murdered my legs that I was perhaps bouncing too high so I didn't make it as dramatic this time. But the burn didn't set in until the last set without the bounciness so perhaps I can get more out of it if I make them more elastic but not as extreme as before.
  4. Chest Dip: I felt like these were hitting more in the front of my shoulders or the connection point between shoulders and chest as opposed to my chest itself. Hopefully that is correct. Last set I wasn't able to go very deep though and had to do the final 3 reps more shallow than I would have liked.
  5. Standing Ovation: still digging on these... very difficult, plenty of burn, but not at all awkward.
  6. Forward shoulder raise: standard ridiculously difficult sets, the final one being almost impossible.
  7. Leg-ups: not as bad as before but still feeling it primarily in my legs
  8. V-sits: expected a train wreck... got a train wreck, especially towards the end. Again with the Nosferatu sit up. I'd say maybe half of the reps were decent form, if that many.


  1. It would appear that I had a similar workout to you yesterday. Although it sounds like you did better than me on the chest dips!

  2. Some days the jump rope ju-ju is better than others. I guess it depends on quite a few factors.

    Jealous that you have a veg garden.
