Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 10 - Holy Shin-t

I was afraid that perhaps I had bought too much food at my beginning of week 2 grocery run, but that certainly doesn't seem to be the case. In fact I am likely to need to run out again this evening as I'm out of eggs. Still, aside from the colossal size of the meals and lingering questions about some of the ingredients, they haven't been bad at all. I have this weird muscle memory when cooking though... to always reach for the oil and salt. While I haven't been craving either (perhaps I am ingesting enough of my own sweat to satisfy my salt needs), the impulse is there... wanting to move my arm up to grab them.

Still loving the breakfasts!

Anyone keeping track knows that I am struggling with the jump rope... This morning I ended up having to do 300, then the muscle exercises, and then the last 350, breaking up that last 350 into increments of 100, 100, 100 and then 50. Details at the end.

  1. Squats: feeling good... nice burn towards the end and I actually feel like I'm getting the form pretty decent
  2. Incline Pullups: same as yesterday, these are a little awkward, partially given the clearance at the end of the table. Quite difficult though, both to maintain plank all the way through, and to do 5-6 reps. As with yesterday, I am feeling this primarily in my shoulders though... not my back.
  3. Pushups: saw Bruce's email in the thread about doing these on your knees and the photo suddenly made sense on the sheet. Little wonder I had been struggling with the last set since I was on my toes all the way through. From the knees, "girly" style and I can get deeper and go through the full recommended reps and still get significant burn at the end. Thanks Bruce!
  4. Thumbs Up Curl: did these nice and slow up and down... very slight degradation in form on the last 3 reps on the last set. Good burn again.
  5. DaVinci: I think these should be called Vetruvians... if the reference is correct it also sounds more like a creature from Star Trek. Went with a much lighter resistance band this time and got a more full range of motion while still getting a good workout. 
  6. Sit ups: I always hated sit ups. But these have been feeling good lately. Second to last set is when I start to really feel it and the last set is quite difficult but I can "feel" it all the way through.
  7. Jump ropes: the antagonist of this play... As mentioned above I had to stop after 300, stretch and proceed to the muscle exercises before picking up the remaining 350. I had my shoes on this time around to see if that might help, jumping again on the carpet, but the pain in my right leg was no different than before. I rolled out from my calves to my ankles on the sides and on the back, as well as stretched on the stairs again. Then walked around a little to keep it loose before trying the next set. I ended up having to repeat this again in the last set after each 100 jumps as the pain would build back up again. Perhaps not shockingly this means that the jump rope exercises took over an hour to complete all told. Possibly worst of all, I don't think I am getting the cardiac benefit of doing them all at once since I had to break the routine up so much. I'm not sure its shin splints any more but it does run the length of the shin. I took a photo of my leg to highlight where the pain is coming from... The calves themselves are not where the pain is, more toward the bottom and back of the leg, below the calf but above the ankle. Very weird:


  1. I'm no Dr, but seems to me you might be wise to ease up a bit on the skips and give your leg a rest. You ride a bike right? Maybe thats your cardio answer for a few days.

  2. I agree with Pete. I also put my back out a few days ago and Patrick said that I could do a brisk 30 min walk or swim. We have a large staff pool here and I opted fro the swim. I also broke up the swimming into reps where I did 4 x 20m lengths and then 200 jumps (like the skipping jumps only in water, at the shallow end and minus the rope) and I did this 6 times. I added the 200 jumps so that I would not fall too far behind with the shipping and would still exercise my calf muscle to hopefully make them stronger. Doing jumps in the water were great for me as it took the weight pressure off my back yet I still got a burn in my legs. DONT push too hard and damage yourself, take your foot off the gas, change gear and find a different route. It's all about getting there in the end and if we need to take a detour, so what, just make sure you keep going. Bruce
