Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2 - Slightly Sore and Stiff

No particularly bad food cravings... yet. Little twinge mid-afternoon but a half tin of tuna on a half salad might be the cause. Walked out to pick up the mail with Kim and one of our neighbors started talking about his bumper crop of veggies using unusually florid language to describe their lusciousness. So of course Kim and I immediately started salivating, made excuses and beat a hasty retreat to the house. We may have to time our mail retrieval differently to avoid him in the future. Legs and chest a little sore and stiff (presumably from yesterday's workout).

Yikes... I know I am a cow because my calves are burning! Legs are tiiiiiiiiight. Need to stretch them more before and after methinks. Workout details:

  1. Lunges: not too shabby. Definitely burning towards the end there...
  2. Push ups: better than yesterday but still a strain for the last 2 reps
  3. Leg lifts: slow and a bit sloppy. Again, perhaps restraining/straining myself a bit just as I am a bit gunshy about the back.
  4. Jump Rope: way better than yesterday but still very difficult. By the fourth set I was dry panting... Kim had some great advice to shorten the rope and that seems to have helped a great deal (granted this was after I was done already... I suspect she was enjoying watching me suffer). Doesn't feel like I am fighting the rope too much and I can get a better, more consistent, more rapid cadence. Also, I've found that rather than gripping the handles tight like one would a stick or bat, that holding them more loosely, closer to the end of the handle and by the tips of my fingers allows me to swing the rope more effortlessly. I think I can apply greater torque by changing the polar moment of inertia. Actually, I have no idea what that means except that an angular frequency Ω looks suspiciously like a jump rope. And it really did seem to work. So if you are having a bit of trouble getting the rope to come round fast shortening it and adjusting my grip definitely helped in my case.
Off to enjoy a half meal of tacos while I still can!

1 comment:

  1. You'll miss that burn after a while, sounds masochistic but it is true..."enjoy" it while it lasts...
