Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 15 - Skip to the Loo

Again, weird sleep issues. Had a really hard time falling asleep last night so I'm willing to bet I am going to crash out this evening. Oddly was able to roll out this morning without much of the typical lethargy and moaning (and hardly any back pain which is very unusual - its usually quite tight in the morning). Pete will hate to hear this (he's so full of rage), but I'm glad the carb amounts are going down a little this week. Lunch and dinner were just a bit much, as much as I am enjoying them.

Made an au natural taco seasoning last night with garlic, cumin, cayenne pepper, red pepper, oregano, a pinch of sage and a squirt of lemon juice. Turned out great for ground turkey meat... and rolled it all up in a whole wheat tortilla with the aforementioned salsa, some lettuce and sundry other veggies into a massive burrito baby. I was afraid it was going to taste too bland since our taco rituals at the house used to involve a pre-made package that is loaded with salt, shells likewise loaded with salt, and topping the burrito with a heap of cheese. No such issue. Was quite tasty indeed... The food "restrictions" are proving to be a fun challenge actually.

First morning with the new carb reduction wasn't too bad but a half of a half of a whole wheat english muffin is certainly weird. Found some "no salt" bread at the grocer yesterday so will be giving that a try tomorrow.

Each day seems to be getting better. Jump ropes are still not something I want to put on display but are getting better. One day:

Still, I had to suppress an overwhelming urge to use the crapper the whole way through my workout, so its possible that was just the motivation I needed to bust through all the exercises. Still, Kim and I were chatting and we agree that this set of exercises is the most fun. Squats are better than lunges and sit-ups are better than leg lifts...
  1. Jump rope (or skipping as the manly Noelinator insists it be called): slowly getting into a groove here. I think we may have shortened my rope just a hair too short though so I lengthened it by about 3/4 inch after the whole workout was complete. Will see how that fairs tomorrow. Its just such a bizarre, inconsistent exercise at the moment. Typically slow start tripping a bit through the first 200 before I hit my stride. And I couldn't manage more than ~175 before petering out. 200 through 700 wasn't all bad, occasional trip ups marring the overall performance per the usual... but surprisingly: the last 100 were flawless. Fast, sharp, precise and no trip ups. So very weird.
  2. Squats: hurt so good... although its entirely possible I like these more just because I hate its evil twin, the lunges
  3. Incline Pull Up: not feeling this in my shoulders anymore... but my pace feels frantic rather than deliberate if that makes sense. Almost like I want to bash them out because they are so very difficult. Need to keep an eye on form here though.
  4. Push Ups: Per the usual the first two sets weren't too bad. I've decided to go super deep from now on though, so its nose touch to the floor and back up. That seemed to have an effect as the last two sets were extraordinarily difficult the whole way through.
  5. Thumbs Up Curl: I am going to be so very good at hitchhiking and encouragement after this is done. As before, one of my stronger exercises so I go super slow and ensure I get all the resistance on the way down as well as the way up and add a few reps to the end to failure. My only worry is that I end up with great arms out of balance with an otherwise featureless torso.
  6. DaVinci: so freakin' hard. Same as before with the lightest resistance bands... last set and a half are a real struggle.
  7. Sit Ups: First two sets weren't bad, but since modifying my form to be more crunchy and less full sit up the last two sets are a struggle. I can really feel it though, so I trust that is a good sign.

Was glad for Patrick's reminder/admonition to not wait more than a minute between exercises, as well as to stick closely to the between set rest periods... not only does it feel like its working me harder, but I can get the exercises done that much more quickly. 


  1. I'm going to whisper this, but last night, 50g of carbs was OK...just! The pasta looked tiny on the plate, but I survived. Don't tell Patrick.

  2. That "skipping" video is mesmerizing.
