Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 13 - That's What I'm Talkin' 'Bout

Definitely hitting a good pace here both for food prep and workout, just in time for it to no doubt be upended on Wednesday. Very very sleepy this afternoon however... Last night I went to bed early (for me) but it took me a really long time to fall asleep so I don't think I quite got all of my required rest given we got up early to workout.

Jump rope continues to improve. I still have my occasional trip up and I can't get through more than ~200 or so without a break but my hope is that with technique no longer holding me back I can make strides towards being able to do more in succession. Perhaps not so surprisingly my feet are the ones that ache now, but I presume that is just the muscle weakness showing. The basics:

  1. Lunges: per the usual these are quite a strain so my presumption is they are doing some good. Certainly don't look forward to them though.
  2. Rowing: I actually ended up adding an additional resistance band to the heaviest one as well added quite a few more reps before maxing out. Feel nice and clean but this is one of the only exercises that I seem capable of well exceeding the set/reps on the sheet.
  3. Standing Ovation: another one I really like. The sets/max reps are perfect and I can feel quite a good burn all the way through the last set
  4. Tricep Dip: This is another one where I can knock out a few more than prescribed. Not many more, if I remember correctly it was probably 6 more at the end.
  5. Forward Shoulder Raise: on the other end of the spectrum, these continue to be tough, even with the lightest resistance band. I think I strained my neck doing them as it ached most of the day, but still a difficult exercise that I actually enjoy.
  6. Leg-ups: I know Kim posted this question so I will be curious to see if it is answered at some point but we had been doing a butt lift with the leg up. Its hard to tell in the PDF pic if that is correct or not, but today I just did the leg up portions without the butt up and I felt it, not in my abs as I did with the lift, but on the tops of my quads. So, a little confused as to what the proper form is here as it appears that this is an ab workout, not a leg one. Or if the muscles are compensating somehow... Anyone have insight on this one?


  1. I knew the jump rope would be ok. First couple of weeks is the worst. It is hard to fathom now I am sure but soon you will be doing 1000 trip free. Leg-ups-Yeah you will always feel that a bit in your quads as well but you should really feel it burn the lower abs. Wait til you get to planks.......

  2. You are right... it is indeed hard to fathom. Skipping more than 200 in a row, trips and all, is still at the outside of my abilities so 1000 straight seems like its a distant goal.
