Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 8 - Phew

Well, this is going to sound like gloating but it really isn't... I am really glad I am working from home. I don't know how the rest of you do it. I felt like I was up and eating for most of the day... grazing really. I also had a really early call with India this morning that went on and on and on for hours so I ended up working out this afternoon instead of in the morning. Presumably as we get used to what and when to eat it will be more instinctive and not be so mechanical with the pre-weigh, cook, weigh. Breakfast and lunch were great. Fingers crossed that seasoning is OK as long as it doesn't include salt. Speaking of which, at dinner I was really craving salt... That said, these Fuji apples must be in season because they are like candy!

Not too shabby but it would have been nicer to have done it in the morning. Timing the workout between grazings was awkward.

  1. Squats: feeling good! Burn but not too bad.
  2. Incline pull-up: felt more than a little weird to be laying down under the table and doing this exercise. Also, it sort of felt like it was straining my shoulders rather than working my back but I presume that I was compensating for lack of strength in my back...
  3. Pushups: really tough. I had to do the last set at half reps and pause for a few counts between some of the reps.
  4. Curls: dig em... really felt it in a good way. Can keep good solid form all the way through for once.
  5. Davinci: started out with great form but by the last set was really at the limit of my strength and wasn't able to keep them as high
  6. Situps: didn't do the max reps, but did them nice and slow... good burn.
  7. Jumprope: slowly improving... managed to do three of the sets without tripping up. Still has me panting and sweating though. But, and this is a big but... I am getting truly sharp pain up and down my right shin. Extremely painful. Reminds me of shin splints or what I would imagine it would feel like if you had fractured (not broken) your leg. After the workout the pain turns into an ache and then throbbing and very slowly tapers off. I can still feel a ghost of it 6 hours later. Hopefully this is just a temporary thing because its really quite aggravating.
Seasoned and grilled more chicken, hard boiled some eggs... I'm really going to need to have a fair bit of food prepared in order to not be cooking all day. Still, aside from that shin pain, good day...


  1. well done with the exercises. I agree, it is a big hassle to eat all this food along with 12 hrs spent at job. Can't wait for the weekend to start to catch a breather !

  2. Seasonings are all fine as long as you are not adding salt or sugar. I still weigh my food from time to time but you will be able to eye ball it before long. BUt why not use the digital scale anyways. Incline pull up/pullups-It can be tough to feel that back muscle working but I am sure it is. Sitting at your desk/computer for as long as you have you probably do not have any back muscles left....Pushups-Do not pause. Burn them out man Better to fail and do less than pause. The burn is the muscle build. Curls-you dig em? Then you aren't trying hard enough. Use a harder band. When I first started doing jump ropes I had some foot pain. I recall Jason had some ankle pain. Both of our pains went away. I would suggest some calf stretches to make sure things do not get too tight. And shin splints? I have never had them but you can apply pressure to the fronts of your tibia using your hands and push those knots out. That should help some. If it is not a muscle burn then be careful. No sense in injuring yourself so early on. Also are you jumping flat foot or on the balls of your feet? As you lose weight the pressure will become less and less and some of those unworked muscles will firm up. To mix it up I would jump 2 fet and then 1 foot alternating and then dancing and slalom, running in place etc. Makes it less monotonous.

  3. Good pictures on flicker. I tried to do my pictures on a self timer but felt strange. Need to take a few more and then post them. Wish i had Georgie with me to assist me and dont want to ask some of my staff to come to my room and take a few pictures of me. Also, listen to your body and don't damage anything so early on in the program. I put my back out and will rest it and hopefully won't fall too far behind.

  4. I had shin splints a few years ago, in fact I still don't trust that whole region of my body.
    I would recommend seeing a phsyio ASAP. For me, the problem was weak dorsiflexors in/around my ankles. I strengthened these by raising myself onto tip-toe and slowly lowering myself, as many times a day as I could. In the interim, ice those shins and ankles.
    What type of surface are you jumping on, a hard concrete-type floor will not be helping, you may want to re-assess the shoes you are wearing also.
    Hope that is some help and you feel better soon.

  5. Thanks for the feedback folks... Shame to hear about your back Bruce. Having had serious back trouble from skiing (and probably my hours of sitting), I know what that's like. Good that you have access to a pool though! For your pics, if you don't have someone around you could always pick up a Gorilla Pod: They are great... small and packable and really easily positioned almost anywhere.

    Kevin, definitely feels like shin splints... today's workout was seriously painful. That said, I've been working out indoors on carpet but without shoes. Planning to be shod tomorrow to see if that helps.

    Alexander, fratello... Using the scale for everything right now.
    Pushups: good call, I'll just do as many as I can (which is what I've been doing), but are you saying once I can do no more, regardless of the required reps to just stop altogether? What to do when you get to the last set and your muscles turn into noodles before finishing. I was planning to reduce the number of reps per set so I can keep them consistent but let me know if you have another idea.
    Curls: I actually enjoy these, I think partially because of all my isolated muscle groups its one that actually has some decent strength. I don't want to hate to workout so when one workout is relatively stronger than another I'm just saying so... that said, if I can figure out how to up the resistance on this band I may do so.
    Jump Rope: I've been rolling out and stretching the legs specifically a lot as I know its been tied to back trouble in the past. That's rolling calves and quads on PVC pipe, stretching against a wall, stretching the calves on the stairs and pulling my legs up to stretch my quads. I'm probably spending 20-30 minutes just stretching my legs alone. I don't think the pain is muscle burn as its along my shins. I could be wrong though. It certainly feels like a sharp searing pain which is not usually what I associate with muscle pain. I am definitely jumping on the balls of my feet. I presume that is correct? I'll have to wait to switch up mid-exercise to double hop, dance and whatnot... I can barely make it through them as it stands without tripping up multiple times.
