Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 6 - Trippin' the Life Fantastic

Major hunger pangs this afternoon... possibly had too small a breakfast. Saw Patrick's email about the diet this morning. One of the benefits of being a day behind means I can see the diet before our day arrives. Should give me plenty of time to pick up what we need from the grocery store.

I am decidedly not a morning person so getting up to workout before breakfast was definitely tough. It sounds like its a pretty popular way to get started, not to mention a more effective way to burn fat. If waking up earlier turns out to be the most difficult part of the program I should count myself lucky... "Fat" chance...

  1. Lunges: Not too bad, but lots of burn towards the end...
  2. Pushups: Last set was a bit of a struggle. Had to stop half way through to catch my breath. Think I might have ended up using my arms too much this time as they are aching more than my chest ~10 hours on.
  3. Leg ups: again, not to shabby, but the last set was tough... Quick form question: should we be floating our feet at the bottom or should they touch the ground?
  4. Jump Rope: As both my past few days have indicated and the title of the post suggests, I continue to struggle with The Jump Rope. I can usually complete 1 or 2 sets clean, but the rest usually have a few trip ups marring the overall exercise. Still difficult, however not panting quite as bad as when I started. 


  1. OK check the length of the rope and the weight. Sned me some pics. Some ropes are easier than others and most people are pathetic to start. I was doing double jumps at the beginning and eventually started flying along. BY the 3rd week or so I bet you can do 500 without tripping.
