Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 5 - Sabbath Slumber

Got up at 3:30am to take Kim to the airport and absolutely crashed out when I got back home, not waking up until midday. So I feel like I am a little off my game as my food schedule is a bit weird... brunch instead of breakfast and lunch. At least I'm not going to repeat our error yesterday and cycle downtown for the "Taste of Louisville". That was a mistake of greasy gaussian proportions. Every other booth on main street had deep fried sweets and meats, the smell of which wafting around Kim and I. Even writing this is making me salivate. So we high tailed it out of there and cycled to the grocery store which was yet another circle that Dante had laid out... May have to purchase blinders for future trips. Thankfully the local Farmer's Market has started up so we can cycle over on Saturday mornings and pick up heaps of cheap veggies as they come in season.

Stretched for longer again and that definitely seems to be helping. Rolling out with the PVC pipe is quite painful, but likewise appears to be lessening the leg pain. Details:

  1. Squats: the now typical burn towards the end, but otherwise fairly uneventful
  2. Pushups: Last set was quite difficult. Poor form on the final few...
  3. Situps: Again, trying to do these slowly to protect the lower back, but doing them slowly also seems to make them quite a bit more difficult too. Last set was a bear, but I can feel the burn in my lower abs again.
  4. Jump rope: gradually appear to be getting better. Skipping, rather than two footed hops appears to be far less taxing and I was able to make it through all the sets without being winded to quite the degree that I've experienced over the past few days. Still out of breath on the last two sets
OK, I know its not a numbers game and the goal is fitness over weight loss, but I couldn't help weighing myself this morning out of curiosity and am down 7lbs already from my 230lbs (104.32 kg) starting weight. I promise this is curiosity and not number obsession, but it was definitely nice to see!

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