Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 28 - Aye Aye Skipper

Slow to wake up, but once I was going, lots of energy! Got to watch the videos as well as get a sneak peak at the forthcoming workouts and meals. Meals look fine, but a giant salad/veggie meal before bed is definitely going to be an adjustment.

The workouts on the other hand... ugh. I freely admit that while I have accepted the jump rope into my life at this point, I have an adversarial mental attitude with some of the exercises, and a large proportion of the ones that we are doubling down on now (legs and abs). I presume that will change, and I wish I could say I was looking forward to the new exercises but I'm really not. Whereas before the ratio was more like 5 out of 6 of the exercises I actually enjoyed, the new ratio looks to be significantly lower if not a complete reversal. But this is in the full knowledge that those exercises, especially the abs/core, are extremely weak areas in need of work...

Happy to say I sailed through these today! And in a departure from the norm, I actually started strong where it usually takes me a few hundred to get going. Was able to accomplish two lots of 200 and one lot of 322 straight which is a record for me... Still not to an Amandean/Hurculean level, but who in the Pucksters is?


  1. Hey man, nice going on the skipping. I too push for the 200 counts every now and then but am happy with my usual 100 or 150. I have a feeling Amanda is the king of skipping in our group which is great. Georgie skips with amazing speed and doesn't ever seem to trip. I'm a big guy and am nervous to damage my knees or shins so am happy to break up my skipping to avoid injury. Diet wise, I'm really enjoying the food and it's going to be funny from tomorrow onwards. Time for you to upload new photos! Bruce

  2. Wow, 200,200 and 322 is good result man, I am stick stuck to 50-80 before I trip, the best so far has been 140 skips.
    Ah well, we continue, onwards and upwards !
