Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 11 - Skippity Do Da

Quite busy... Kim and I decided to do a boatload of cooking and try to get a lot prepped for the coming week or so. Roasted some garlic cloves, grilled 6 chicken breasts, made a massive salsa repository, steamed rice, grilled some tuna, made a gigantic batch of quinoa, grilled more zucchini, tried roasting a poblano pepper and on and on... The kitchen was a disaster, but the fridge looks ready for the apocalypse.

Kim managed to shatter, that's right, shatter a jump rope today. She's that hardcore. So we had to run out and get a new one. I also picked up an ice pack with a velcro satchel so I can ice my leg if it bothers me again.

Hellz yeah. So I videotaped myself jumping and had my brother (the ex-PCPer) review it and he also solicited advice from someone that graduated in his group (incredible before/after by the way, check it out: The long and short is that I was jumping far too high and that I should definitely be wearing shoes the whole time. Also, I looked up some links to information about dealing with shin splints and there are a number of exercises and massages I can do to help stave it off and also alleviate the pain once they set in. This is not to say it was all roses, but the improvement was colossal considering the last few days collapse. Was able to get to 500 fairly clean before the leg started aching. Then I broke it up in 50 increments to be safe...

  1. Lunges: don't love these, but I can really really feel them
  2. Rowing: might need to up the resistance. Hard, but nowhere near as difficult as some of the other exercies
  3. Standing Ovation: really laid into these, flexing at the end and it seemed to work. 
  4. Triceps Dip: I haven't found these super difficult just yet
  5. Forward shoulder raise: Quite hard. Have to use the lightest resistance band on these and its still very difficult.
  6. Leg-Ups: good burn towards the end
  7. Jump rope: as mentioned, much improved, thankfully. Still achy towards the end and I had to break them up into increments of 50 for the last 150 but much much better. Will have to see how tomorrow goes. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Rowing. Again like the pullups it is hard to "feel" the back muscles burning out. As long as your technique is fine I am sure they are working.
