Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 16 - Talk about Peak Condition...

This is truly incredible. When I can actually wear out and run down a kudu until it collapses in exhaustion in a persistance hunt, I will consider myself fit. Amazing video if you have 7 minutes to spare: 

Until then, I'll have to make do with jump rope.

Switched to my new "no salt" bread. Not too bad... I can definitely tell the difference though and its little wonder the previous whole wheat english muffins tasted the way they did. However, the new bread slices are far less dense so I get "more", visually if not substantially.

It appears that the colossal salsa mix that I made last Saturday may have been more appropriate than previously assumed. Granted we've had some with the majority of our meals but happily so. It has been both very tasty and super convenient to dollop onto salads, burritos, pasta, chicken, fish, etc. The only downside, and this could be pretty big, is that since its diced up so much a lot of the grams appear to be in water weight... probably the juices from the tomatoes. So its possibly a little fudged on the grams. Hopefully not enough to make a difference.

I'm happy to say that the severe leg pain I was experiencing a week ago has been almost entirely banished. I get a little pang now and again and a dull throb after the jumps but that dissipates quickly. Definitely felt a little low on energy this morning, but it might have been mental because the skips and exercises weren't much different in terms of intensity from yesterday. Oh, one little luxury we allow ourselves while doing the muscle exercises: The Simpsons on in the background. Kind of nice to have a little humorous white (or yellow) noise in the background. Only issue is if a guffaw interrupts a given workout at a bad time. OK, workout details:
  1. Jump rope: Despite the continued trip ups (or just plain poor skips), the jump rope continues to thankfully improve. Although I would say consistency-wise yesterday was better, today felt better from the perspective of having more energy to get through batches of a hundred at a time (or more) without needing to catch my breath as frequently as in the past. So today felt good from a noted improvement in stamina (although I'm not to a superhuman Amanda level yet). I still get foot pain (right in the arch area) around the middle of the reps (~300-500), but can usually bear it until it subsides. 
  2. Lunges: ugh, really truly hate these... not only do they kill and feel wobbly, but it feels like they go on forever.
  3. Rowing: I'm glad I've been keeping track because I remembered to add the second resistance band right up front this time. Really helped to make this difficult all the way through. Really pinching and holding at the end of the motion and controlled return. Felt great, and shockingly I think I actually felt it in my back a little towards the end.
  4. Push-ups: ah ha! back to toes, eh? Well, the previous higher reps/sets seemed to have been good preparation. This was right at the limit to do max reps per set. Total burnt out chest by the end.
  5. Triceps Dip: this was a surprise. I felt like I had kind of coasted on this previously, adding extra reps to the end. But this morning was a different story. Don't know if there was a form change (I did scoot my feet a little farther out to ensure I wasn't subtly assisting myself back up with my legs), but this was quite a bit harder today. Slow and steady up and down... definitely felt it more than before and no extra reps were necessary as I was well shot by the end.
  6. Forward Shoulder Raise: still tough. The last few reps in the last set are nigh on impossible. I think my form on those last few are likely abysmal. Oddly, I kind of like these, but they are terrifically hard.
  7. Leg Ups: Kim noted that I was likely raising my butt a little too much in these so I noted that for future sets. Last two sets are super tough, but as with last time, I am feeling more burn on the top of my quads than in my abs. The abs are working, but I feel my legs wanting to quit well before my stomach. Might have to pose this as a question in the question thread...

Congrats to all the PCPers so far and a special shout out to the Pucksters who seem to really be gelling as a group (whilst shedding our jello). Lots of support all around, and the posting of us all in our largely distressed current physical states seems to have lowered inhibitions in general so the freak flags are flying along with the witty banter banners. Georgie and Ashley, get those pics up!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the lunges. They took sooooo long. I had no energy yesterday either but today I'm fine again. Maybe the lunges took it out of us :)
