Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 27 - Weird biological changes afoot

My stomach was bothering me again this morning, but once I got to working out it seemed to fade away. Its extremely rare that I have stomach issues so a few days in a row is a bit weird. I'm chalking it up to the body dealing with the new diet.

OK, a little honesty... I think the libido has indeed taken a hit. I don't know if its the schedule or energy level or what but its quite low. Hoping this is just a passing thing as its a disconcerting change from the "normal" activity level.

That said, no significant energy flameout this afternoon for the first time in almost a week.

So-so today. Was able to get through everything fine but definitely not 100% this morning.

  1. Jump rope: Took a little while to warm up this morning (about 200 jumps with lots of false starts), but once I hit my stride it wasn't too bad. In fact, I was able to once again do a couple sets of 200 straight and knocked out the jumps pretty quickly for once. Still, the idea of being able to do many more than 200 in a go seems like its a ways off.
  2. Rowing: This was weird... I can definitely feel this in my back now where I couldn't before. That said, I had to add a ton of reps to the end (about 30) before I wasn't able to do any more. So, not sure if I'm doing something wrong or right.
  3. Push-ups: my crowing about being able to do these all well before comes back to bite me in the butt. Last few in the last set were really really hard.
  4. Double Katana: I'm fairly certain I didn't quite get the form right and the last set was seriously hard.
  5. Shoulder Fly: like most of the shoulder exercises so far it turns out I have to use a lighter resistance band in order to get the most out of this one. Quite difficult once again but was able to make it to the end without losing my form.
  6. V-sit: really felt like I didn't get the most out of these since the last set was such a complete mess. So I did a few situps until I could do no more.

1 comment:

  1. Don't sweat the messy Vsits, that's part of the process. Also, no need to be doing tons of rowing, even if you're not failing you're getting the results, the back rarely is "Failable" like the rest of your body.
