Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 18 - Bowel Movements, Libido and Workouts, oh my!

Hey, its a Saturday so we "slept in"... which is to say 7:45ish, whereas on a "normal" weekend we would sleep until 11am. I say "we" liberally here as it was usually me that would sleep and sleep and sleep. Oddly I always kind of hated myself for it and like feeling like I had made more of the day when waking up early. So, no excuse now, and as today showed been go go go...

Cycled over to the farmer's market to pick up sundry veggies. One of the farmers had been roasting chili peppers so I bought a bag of those to have with a little mesquite grilled chicken in a burrito for lunch. Deeeelish. Left IT Band was quite painful for the ride there and back though. I blame the hated lunges.

Read Patrick's email today about changes in bowel movements, flexibility, libido. Sad (?) to say I haven't really had any significant enough change in any of them to report. I would say more energy during the day, but I have definitely experienced mid-afternoon crashes. My carb amounts, while moderated from before, still seem pretty high. Thankfully no zits at this point or my libidinous nature aside, I might not be able to get any action...

Not bad, even though this is my most despised grouping (with lunges and leg ups) of exercises:

  1. Jump Ropes: not bad again... as seems to be par for the course, the first set is usually kind of sketchy. It sounds like Bruce and I are doing these more similarly. I try to break them up into lots of 100, but with the tripping, it usually ends up being more like 75 or 50 at a time uninterrupted. Still, I'll take all the improvements I'm getting which are doing more, more easily, less tripping generally, and less fatigued after greater numbers.
  2. Lunges: fixed so I'm not alternating every other as I had been before... freakin' awful. Not that I can't do them. I just genuinely dislike them. And for the first time my IT Band in my left leg started going hinky. I didn't think much of it, but later in the day when we cycled downtown to the market it was quite painful.
  3. Rowing: these are great. Just nice and slow in and out and pinch and hold at the back and I can really feel it. Occasionally my form gets off ever so slightly and I feel that I am using biceps instead, but its fairly easily corrected.
  4. Push-up: Awesome. Totally banged these out. On the toes, deep, and the last set was quite difficult but I added one more just to fail.
  5. Triceps: so bizarre, whereas a few days ago these were quite easy, now they are probably perfect in the sense that they are quite difficult
  6. Forward Shoulder Raise: always a tough one. Lightest resistance band still. I must say I find it more than a little odd that these are so hard. Guess those shoulders are really out of shape.
  7. Leg-Ups: Very odd, again. Primarily feel this on the tops of my quads, not my abs. Am I the only one?

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Richard, don't worry about feeling Leg Ups in the quads, the muscles they're working in the abs are fairly small and the brain will perceive the burn in the quads as the "main" burn because they're so much larger and attention getting. Keep going and you'll be able to isolate the lower abs more and more.
