Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 3 - You be trippin' instead of skippin'

Half meals aren't too bad so far. Sure, the occasional pang still hits, but I've oddly found that drinking boatloads of water seems to be working to placate my belly. Historically, given my wont for working long hours and the fact that I actually enjoy my work I tend to get very involved in a project and actually forget to eat (usually breakfast and lunch), so those two meals don't seem to be too bad. So if/when I get cravings its almost always in the evening. Actually being conscious of the half meals has oddly been a good thing with respect to reminding me to actually eat. But the massive, gorging meals for dinner are definitely out...

Its the tale of the legs. Wobbling around all day like an old maid... Really did not expect the legs to be bearing the brunt early on, but its good... a regular reminder both that I am out of shape and that the exercises are having some effect. The workout:

  1. Squats: again, despite the shakiness, not too bad. Definite burn towards the end...
  2. Pushups: I really like these. Its possibly mental, but I would certainly love to come out of PCP with a little less chicken chest and a little more thickened chest (pity my poor Kim, she has to live with this nonsense day in, day out). Seriously though, for as long as I can remember I've had a fairly featureless, flat chest. Hoping to change that.
  3. Situps: not bad again. Just taking it slow and deliberate, making the most of each sit up and trying to not jerk my back.
  4. Jump Rope: I keep telling myself I will learn to love this... I will learn to love this. But not yet. I'm just terrible at it. Not as bad as day one as I have a bit more of a sense of the rhythm, but still occasionally losing the beat and missing skips. And by the last two sets I am really panting. After reading Patrick's Day 4 admonishments I really hope I'm not ruining it for myself. I'm definitely having to stop and catch my breath at the end of the last 3 sets, the last 2 being pretty bad.

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